
المرجعية وتفاصيل الاتصال




أستاذ التعليم العالي



. معهد الحسن الثاني للزراعة والبيطرية


B.P. 6202, code postal : 10101



التكويــن العــالي

دكتوراه الدولة

Transformation des produits agricoles

Iav Hassa II - Rabat



العربية; الإنجليزية; الأسبانية; الفرنسية;

مجالات الخبرة
Microbiologie appliquée; Microbiologie alimentaire; Microbiologie médicale; Biotechnologie; Génie industriel alimentaire Nutrition et diététique Génie environnemental
الإنجازات العلمية والتكنولوجية

مقال الدورية

Faid M., Larpent J.P., Adrian Y., Chabard J.L., Tantaoui-Elaraki A., Elmarrakchi A. . Industrial scale production of moroccan "samn". Journal of the society of dairy technology , 1993.
Faid M., Touraibi A., Larpent J.P., Tantaoui-Elaraki A., Elmarrakchi A. . Characterization of yeasts and molds isolated from traditional butter. Microbiologie alimentation nutrition , 1991.
Boraam F., Faid M., Larpent J.P., Breton A. . Lactic acid bacteria and yeasts assocoiated with the sour-dough traditional moroccan bread. Sciences des aliments , 1993.
Asehraou A., Faid M., Jana M. . Physico-chemical properties and the microflora of moroccan table black olives. Grasas y aceites , 1992.
Asehraou A., Faid M., Akhartouf R. . Pure culture fermentation of moroccan green olives. Microbiologie aliments nutrition , 1993.
Tantoui-Elaraki A., Sebti F., Breton A., Kaanane O., Faid M. . Mycoflora and physico-chemical properties of pastilla papers. Microbiologie aliments nutrition , 1993.
Faid M., Boraam F., Achbab A., Larpent J.P. . Selected cultures of yeasts and lactic acid bacteria for sour-dough bread fermentation. Lebensmittel-wissenschaft und technologie , 1993.
Faid M., Boraam F., Zyani I., Larpent J.P. . Characterization of sourdough bread ferments made in laboratory by traditional methods. Zeitschrift für lebensmittel untersuchung und-forchung , 1993.
Mouncif M., Tamoh S., Faid M., Achkari-Begdouri A. . Physico-chemical properties and the microflora of the olive mill waste water. Grasas y aceites , 1993.
Mouncif M., Faid M., Achkari-Begdouri A., Lhadi K. . Biological valorization and treatment of olive mill waste waters by selected yeast strains. Grasas y aceites , 1995.
Faid M., Anchad M., Bakhy K., Tantaoui-Elaraki A. . Almond paste : physico-chemical and microbiological characterization an preservation with sorbic acid and cinnamon. Journal of food protection , 1995.
Faid M., Akhartouf R., Asehraou A. . Microorganisms associated with post-harvest green olives deteriorations. Grasas y aceites , 1994.

براءات الاختراع

Faid M., Tantaoui-Elaraki A., Elmarrakchi A., Sbai A.. Industrial process for arab samn production. 22680. 01-01-1992.
Faid M., Elmarrakchi A., Achkari-Begdouri A., Karani H., Stoefler H. . Biotechnological process for the preservation and transformation of fish wastes into a nitrogen rich ingredient to be used in feeds. 23497. 01-01-1994.
Hammoumi A., Faid M., Elyachioui A. . A process for the production of feed ingredients from poultry by-products by biotransformation. 24357/96. 01-01-1996.
Hammoumi A., Amarouch H., Faid M., Elyachioui M. . A feed formula for poultry from fish waste transformed by fermentation. 24829. 01-01-1997.
Faid M., Elyachioui M.. A process for the production of a protein autolysate from fish waste. 24199. 01-01-1997.
Charai Malika; Faid M., Chaouch A.. A process for the preservation of olive oil against auto-oxidation by the use of natural extracts from aromatic plants. 24914. 01-01-1997.