
المرجعية وتفاصيل الاتصال




أطر أخرى



جامعة محمد الخامس أكدال - الرباط . كلية العلوم - الرباط


Faculté des Sciences, Rabat

06 61 54 19 16


التكويــن العــالي

دكتوراه الوطنية

Informatique et télécommunication

Faculté des Sciences - Rabat

دبلوم للدراسات العليا التطبيقية

Informatique et télécommunication

Faculté des Sciences - Rabat


العربية; الإنجليزية; الأسبانية; الفرنسية;

مجالات الخبرة
Informatique; Télécommunication
المشروعات البحثية
QoS des réseaux sans fils
الكلمات الرئيسية
Réseaux sans fils, Ressources radio mobiles, OFDM

الكلمات الرئيسية
Capteurs sans fil, Reseaux, Puissance, BER, QoS

Actions auprès des organismes privés/publiques
Installation et configuration des reseaux VSAT
6 mois
تاريخ الانتهاء
Ministère de la santé
الكلمات الرئيسية
Réseaux VSAT, Vidéoconférences

الإنجازات العلمية والتكنولوجية


Fakhri Youssef, Aboutajdine Driss, Vidal Josep, Nsiri Benayad . Downlink throughput optimization in wireless OFDM Data networks في : Proceedings of the 7th IEEE international symposium on signal processing and information technology , 15-12-2007, Cairo, Egypt
Fakhri Youssef, Aboutajdine Driss, Vidal Josep, Nsiri Benayad . Throughput optimization via the constellation size and forward error correction for wireless OFDM system in downlink transmission في : Proceedings of the 9th maghrebian conference on sofware engineering and artificial intelligence , 07-12-2006, Agadir, Maroc
Fakhri Youssef, Aboutajdine Driss, Vidal Josep, Nsiri Benayad . Throughput optimization for wireless OFDM system in downlink transmission using adaptive techniques with varying receiver power في : Proceedings of the colloque international sur l’informatique et ses applications , 31-10-2006, Oujda, Maroc
Fakhri Youssef, Aboutajdine Driss, Vidal Josep, Nsiri Benayad . Throughput optimization in a ofdm network via rate and packet Size in the presence Of white gaussian noise في : The fifth IASTED international conference on communication systems and networks CSN , 28-08-2006, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Fakhri Youssef, Aboutajdine Driss, Vidal Josep, Nsiri Benayad . Power and rate assignment in mobile ofdm transmissions with incomplete channel knowledge في : Proceedings of the 10th world scientific and engineering academy and society WSEAS , 13-07-2006, Athens, Greece
Fakhri Youssef, Aboutajdine Driss, Vidal Josep, Nsiri Benayad . Optimisation de débit pour la qualité de service dans les réseaux radio mobiles في : Proc of the workshop sur les technologies de l’information et de la communication , 05-07-2007, Ensias Rabat,Maroc
Fakhri Youssef, Aboutajdine Driss, Vidal Josep, Nsiri Benayad . Downlink throughput optimization for wireless paket data networks في : Rencontre nationale des jeunes chercheurs de physique (RNJCP) , 19-12-2006, Casablanca, Maroc
Fakhri Y., Aboutajdine D., Vidal J. . Multicarrier power allocation for maximum throughput in delayed channel knowledge conditions في : Proc. of international workshop on wireless communication in underground and confined areas , 06-06-2005, Quebec, Canada

مقال الدورية

Fakhri Youssef, Nsiri Benayad, Aboutajdine Driss, Vidal Josep . Adaptive throughput optimization in downlink wireless OFDM system. International journal of communications , 2008.
Fakhri Youssef, Nsiri Benayad, Aboutajdine Driss, Vidal Josep . Downlink throughput maximization in multicarrier wireless communications systems . Wseas transactions on communications , 2006.
Fakhri Youssef, Nsiri Benayad, Aboutajdine Driss, Vidal Josep . Throughput optimization via the packet length and transmission rate for wireless OFDM system in downlink transmission. IJCSNS international journal of computer science and network security , .