
المرجعية وتفاصيل الاتصال




أستاذ التعليم العالي


الدار البيضاء

جامعة الحسن الثانيَ - الدار البيضاء . كلية العلوم عين الشق - الدار البيضاء


Km 8, route d'El Jadida, Maarif, Casablanca, Mohammadia

05 22 23 06 80

05 22 23 06 74


التكويــن العــالي

دكتوراه الدولة

Biologie (option neurosciences)

Faculté des Sciences - Rabat Agdal


دكتوراه الجامعة

Biologie humaine (option neurosciences)

Université Claude Bernard Lyon I - France



العربية; الإنجليزية; الفرنسية;

مجالات الخبرة
Neurosciences; Chronobiologie; Psychopharmacologie; Physiologie
الإنجازات العلمية والتكنولوجية


Roky R., Benaji B., Bergadi M., Bennis F., El Messal M., Azerkane A. . La motivation de l’apprentissage chez les étudiants des facultés à accès ouvert après l’application du système LMD في : Congrès de l’association internationale de la pédagogie universitaire , 01-01-2005, Genève, Suisse
Mankai S., Roky R. . L’innovation pédagogique : esquisse d’un modèle tuniso-marocain de stimulation de la créativité في : Congrès de l’association internationale de la pédagogie universitaire , 01-09-2005, Monastir, Tunisie
Roky Rachida . La déclaration universelle de la bioéthique : quelles implications pour les pays en développement في : Premier colloque international sur santé et développement humain , 01-01-2006, Fès, Maroc
Roky Rachida, Chapotot Florian, Taoudi Benchekroun Majda, Benaji Brahim, Buguet Alain . Neurophysiological and chronobiological changes during ramadan fasting في : Oral presentation in the congress of the society of neurosciences in Africa , 20-04-2005, Cape Town, South Africa
Roky Rachida, Benaji Brahim, Taoudi Benchekroun Majda . Gender differences in sleepiness and chronotype among young adults في : Poster presentation in the congress of the society of neurosciences in Africa , 20-04-2005, Cape Town, South Africa
Merzguioui N., Roky R. . Excessive daytime sleepiness and shift work in professional drivers في : 4th international conference of the African association of physiological sciences , 21-11-2004, Tangier and Tetouan, Morocco

مقال الدورية

Roky Rachida, Houti Imad, Moussamih Samya, Qotbi Souad, Aadil Nadia . Physiological and chronobiological changes during Ramadan intermittent fasting. Ann. Nutr. Metab. , 2004.
Roky R., Chapotot F., Benchekroun M.T., Benaji B., Hakkou F., Elkhalifi H., Buguet A. . Daytime sleepiness during Ramadan intermittent fasting : polysomnographic and quantitative waking EEG study. J. Sleep Res , 2003.
Roky R. . Sleep and sleepiness during Ramadan. Sleep and hypnosis , 2003.
Roky R., Chapotot F., Hakkou F., Taoudi Benchekroun M., Buguet A. . Sleep during Ramadan intermittent fasting. J. Sleep Res. , 2001.
Roky R., Iraki L., HajKhlifa R., Lakhdar Ghazal N., Hakkou F. . Daytime alertness, mood, psychomotor performances, and oral temperature during Ramadan intermittent fasting. Ann. Nutr. Metab. , 2000.
Benaji B., Mounib N., Roky R., Aadil N., Houti I.E., Moussamih S., Maliki S., Gressier B., El Ghomari H. . Diabetes and Ramadan : review of the literature. Diabetes Res. Clin. Pract. , 2006.


Roky Rachida, Aadil Nadia, Houti Imad, Benaji Brahim. Daytime distribution of mood during Ramadan intermittent fasting. Chapitre dans le livre :”causes, role and influence of mood states”. مكان النشر: Nova science publishers , 2005.