
المرجعية وتفاصيل الاتصال




أستاذ التعليم العالي



جامعة محمد الأول - وجدة . كلية العلوم - وجدة


Université Mohamed I Faculté des Sciences

05 56 50 06 01

05 56 50 06 03


التكويــن العــالي

دكتوراه الدولة


Université Mohammed Premier.Faculté des Sciences - Oujda


دكتوراه الوطنية


Université Paris Val-de-Marne - Paris



العربية; الإنجليزية; الفرنسية;

مجالات الخبرة
Biochimie;Lithiase urinaire
المشروعات البحثية
Valorisation des plantes médicinales utilisées dans le traitement de la lithiase urinaire
الكلمات الرئيسية
Lithiase urinaire;Santé publique;Maroc;Chirurgie;Lithotritie;calculs urinaires;Plantes médicinales

Effect of Herniaria hirsuta on urinary macromolecules
الكلمات الرئيسية
Urinary lithiasis;Treatment;Macromolecules;Herniaria hirsuta;Phytotherapy

Effet des dérivés de la Quinoxalin sur les calculs urinaires
الكلمات الرئيسية
Lithiase urinaire;Oxalate de calcium;Calculs urinaires;Thérapie lithiasique;Lithotritie;Cristallisation des particules

Medicinal plants and calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis
الكلمات الرئيسية
Medicinal plants;Nephrolithiasis;Calcium oxalate

Effect of Herniaria hirsuta extract on cell culture
الكلمات الرئيسية
Herniaria hirsuta;Urolithiasis;Morocco;Treatment

الإنجازات العلمية والتكنولوجية


F. Atmani;SR. Khan . Role of urinary bikunin in the inhibition of calcium oxalate crystallyzation في : 2nd Finlyson Colloquium on Urolithiasis , 28-01-1999, Gainesville
F. Atmani;SR. Khan . Urinary bikunin as a natural inhibitor of calcium oxalate crystallyzation في : 8th European Symposium on Urolithiasis , 09-06-1999, Parma
F. Atmani;SR. Khan . Effect of herb extract from Herniaria hirsuta on calcium oxalate crystallization in vitro في : Colloque International sur la Lithiase Urinaire : de la Recherche à la Pratique Clinique , 20-03-2000, El Jadida
Y. Slimani;M Aziz;M. Mimouni;M. Serhrouchni;F. Atmani . Effect of Herniaria hirsuta on calcium oxalate crystallization in vitro and in vivo في : International Symposium on Chemistry and Pharmacology of Plants used in African Traditional Medicine , 06-03-2002, Bamako
Y. Slimani;M. Mimouni;B. Hacht;M. Aziz;F. Atmani . Effectiveness of Herniaria hirsuta on calcium oxalate crystallization in vitro and in vivo في : Deuxième Colloque International sur les Substances Naturelles , 20-09-2002, Meknès

مقال الدورية

F. Atmani; SR. Khan . Role of inter-a-inhibitor and its related proteins in urolithiasis. Purification of an inter-a-inhibitor related protein from the bovine kidneys. Urological Research , 1999.
F. Atmani; SR. Khan . Role of inter-a-inhibitor and its related proteins in experimentally induced calcium oxalate urolithiasis. Localization of proteins and expression of bikunin gene in the rat kidneys. Urological Research , 1999.
F. Atmani; SR. Khan . Role of urinary bikunin in the inhibition of calcium oxalate crystallyzation. The Journal of American Society of Nephrology , 1999.
SR Khan, S.A. Maslamani;F. Atmani;P.A. Glenton;F.J. Opalko;S. Thamilselvan;C. Hammett-Stabler . Membranes and their constituents as promoters of calcium oxalate crystal formation in human urine. Calcified Tissue International , 2000.
F. Atmani; SR. Khan . Effect of herb extract from Herniaria hirsuta on calcium oxalate crystallization in vitro. British Journal of Urology , 2000.
F. Atmani . Characterization of urinary bikunin and its role in urolithiasis. Review in Biology and Biotechnology , 2001.
F. Atmani; SR. Khan . Quantification of proteins extracted from calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate crystals induced in vitro in the urine of healthy and stone forming subjects. Urologia Internationalis , 2002.
F. Atmani;Y. Slimani;M. Mimouni;B. Hacht . Prophylaxis of calcium oxalate stones by Herniaria hirsuta on experimentally induced nephrolithiasis rats. British Journal of Urology , 2003.
F. Atmani;Y. Slimani;M. Mimouni;M. Aziz;B. Hacht . Effect of aqueous extract from Herniaria hirsuta on experimentally induced calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis rats. Nephron , 2003.
F. Atmani . Medical management of urolithiasis. What opportunity for phytotherapy?. Frontiers in Bioscience , 2003.


F. Atmani;J.A. Gokhale;SR. Khan. Urinary glycoproteins as modulators of calcific nephrolithiasis. مكان النشر: In Urinary System, TC Jones, GC Hard, U Mohr eds , 1998.