
المرجعية وتفاصيل الاتصال




أستاذ مساعد


الدار البيضاء

. المدرسة الحسنية للأشغال العمومية


Ecole Hassania des Travaux Publics . Casablanca


التكويــن العــالي

دكتوراه الدولة

Sciences de l'ingénieur, info. telecom.

Faculté des Sciences - Rabat et Institut Eurecoom - France


دبلوم للدراسات العليا التطبيقية

Informatique et télécom

Faculté des Sciences - Rabat



العربية; الإنجليزية; الفرنسية;

مجالات الخبرة
Systèmes de télécommunication UWB - GSM - CDMA2001; Traitement du signal; Traitement de l'image; Informatique; Théorie de l'information
المشروعات البحثية
الكلمات الرئيسية
Europ de télécom

الإنجازات العلمية والتكنولوجية


Saadane R., Aboutajdine D., Menouni Hayar A., Hofstetter H. . Propagation phenomenon analysis for statistical UWB channel model في : IEEE international conference in communications and networking , 01-09-2007, China
Saadane R., Aboutajdine D., Menouni Hayar A., Knopp R. . Ultra wide bandwidth large and small scale characterization with different environments في : IEEE ICTIS’07 conference , 25-03-2007, Fez, Morocco
Saadane R., Aboutajdine D., Menouni Hayar A. . An ultra wide band channel models in frequency domain في : SITI conference , 25-01-2007, Mohammadia, Morocco
Saadane R., Menouni Hayar A., Knopp R., Aboutajdine Driss . On the estimation of the RMS delay spread and the mean excess for in-door UWB channel في : International conference on modeling and simulation , 01-01-2005, Marrakech, Morocco
Saadane R., Knopp R. . UWB system demonstration في : 8th Hitachieurecom symposium on mobile communications in transportation , 18-11-2004, France
Saadane R., Menouni Hayar A., Aboutajdine D. . La caractérisation et la modélisation des canaux ULB pour les systèmes de communications في : Optic’08 , 01-04-2008, El Mohammadia, Maroc
Saadane R., Menouni Hayar A., Knopp R., Aboutajdine D. . Etude des degrés de liberté d’un canal de propagation ULB l’extérieur et l’intérieur des bâtiments في : Optic’06 , 01-01-2006, Rabat, Maroc
Saadane R., Menouni Hayar A., Aboutajdine D. . Indoor UWB channel characterization and modeling في : Workshop sur les technologies de l’information et de la communication , 25-06-2005, Kénitra, Maroc
Saadane R., Menouni Hayar A., Knopp R., Aboutajdine D. . Etude de la capacité d’un système de transmission ultra large bande في : Journées annuelles d’informatiques , 25-05-2005, Oujda, Maroc

مقال الدورية

Saadane R., Hayar A., Aboutajdine D. . Ultra wide bandwidth large and small scale characterization with different environments. International journal of information and communication technology , 2008.
Saadane R., Aboutajdine D., Menouni Hayar A., Knopp R. . Ultra wide bandwidth channel and degrees of freedom evaluations. International journal on wireless and optical communications special issues in ultra wide bandwidth , 2007.
Menouni Hayar A., Knopp R., Saadane R. . Subspace analysis of indoor ultra wide bandwidth channels. EURASIP journal on applied signal processing , 2005.
Saadane R. . Ultra wide bandwidth technology and propagation channel : large and small scale fading statistics analysis. IJCSNS International journal of computer science and network security , 2007.
Saadane R., Aboutajdine D., Menouni Hayar A., Hofstetter Helmut . New statistical ultra wide bandwidth channel model based on physical approach: validation using sage algorithm. Eurasip journal on wireless communications and networking , .